Definition of Flying lemur

1. Noun. Arboreal nocturnal mammal of southeast Asia and the Philippines resembling a lemur and having a fold of skin on each side from neck to tail that is used for long gliding leaps.

Exact synonyms: Colugo, Flying Cat
Generic synonyms: Eutherian, Eutherian Mammal, Placental, Placental Mammal
Group relationships: Cynocephalus, Genus Cynocephalus
Specialized synonyms: Cynocephalus Variegatus

Definition of Flying lemur

1. Noun. the colugo ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Flying Lemur

flying field
flying fish
flying fox
flying foxes
flying frog
flying gecko
flying gurnard
flying gurnards
flying horse
flying jib
flying jib boom
flying jib booms
flying jibs
flying kiss
flying kisses
flying lemur
flying lemurs
flying lizard
flying machine
flying mare
flying marmot
flying meet
flying meets
flying mice
flying monkeys
flying mouse
flying opossum
flying phalanger
flying purple people eater
flying purple people eaters

Literary usage of Flying lemur

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Vehicles of the Air: A Popular Exposition of Modern Aeronautics with Working by Victor Lougheed (1910)
"... The flying lemur, the "colugo" of the East Indies, has a very loose skin with peculiarly sleek fur, enabling it to make long sailing leaps like the ..."

2. Habit and Intelligence: A Series of Essays on the Laws of Life and Mind by Joseph John Murphy, ( (1879)
"Darwin on the Flying Squirrel, the flying lemur, and the Bat.—The Bat's wing, when in the nascent state, probably resembled the parachute of the Flying ..."

3. Animal Locomotion: Or, Walking, Swimming, and Flying, with a Dissertation on by James Bell Pettigrew (1874)
"In the flying lemur the membranous expansion (ab) is more extensive than in the Flying Dragon (fig. 151 It is supported by the neck, back, and tail, ..."

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